Quantum Physics In The Bible
The invention of quantum computing has changed everything we thought we knew about physics. Science has proven the existence of parallel universe or the multiverse. It has also harnessed the power to gain access into these various worlds. However, quantum physics is mentioned and shown in the Bible.
What You Will Learn
This course will take a deep dive into the world of quantum physics and spirituality. It will also explore and identify the role of quantum physics as it relates to the Bible and creation. Moreover, an in-depth look at Genesis chapter 11 will reveal the truth about what took place in Babel.
Key Takeaways:
Understand what the science behind quantum physics..
Explore the concept of parallel universes and singularity.
Learn what quantum computing is and how it works..
Discover the role of Babel played in discovering quantum physics.
Gain insights into parallel universes, timelines, and the creation.
Introduction to quantum physics and computing.
Key Concepts: Quantum Mechanics and Spirituality.
Practical Insights and Solutions.
Case Studies and Examples
Q&A Session
Who Should Attend: This webinar is perfect for anyone interested in spirituality and technology. Anyone seeking to improve their knowledge base of science and spirituality.
2 Day Course: 4 Hours - Per Day
Speakers: Coach T
Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today!